*20-Minute Routine Using the Crescendo Training Audio Track
Warm-Up: 1’x3
1 Minute Warm-up in Each of the 3 Planes of Movement
Jog x 1 Minute
Shuffle x 1 Minute
Carioca x 1 Minute
Stretch: 1:30x2
An Upper Body ELDOA and a Lower Body ELDOA
ELDOA Leg Stretch x 1 Minute 30 seconds
ELDOA Arm Stretch x 1 Minute 30 seconds
Indiividual Specific: 2’x5
5 Different Exercises for 2 Minutes (Substitute as Needed)
Cat-Camel x 2 Minutes
Wide Lateral Trunk Rotations x 2 Minutes
Spiderman-Reach-Rock Back x 2 Minutes
Bodyweight Squats x 2 Minutes
Athletic Plank x 2 Minutes
Conditioning: (:10/:05)x8
Circuit of 4 Different Exercises ALL OUT 2 Times Through
4 Stations (2 times through)
Medball Tosses Right (:10 seconds ALL OUT!)
Medball Tosses Left (:10 seconds ALL OUT!)
Squat Jumps (:10 seconds ALL OUT!)
Bicycle (:10 seconds ALL OUT!)
REPEAT 1 More Time Through
Recovery: 1’x2
FInish with Ankle Mobility Exercises 1 Minute Each Side
Calf Stretch Right Leg x 1 Minute
Calf Stretch Left Leg x 1 Minute